Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Babies

Just a quick post, I came home yesterday to start off my spring break. There's no place like home.

It's a beautiful Saturday here in Southeast Iowa, so after running some errands with Mama this morning, I helped Dad put out some hay.
 The light was so gorgeous I decided to grab my camera & get some adorable pictures of the babies.

This little guy already has some attitude. I have several pictures of him posing like this. He was practically begging me to take his picture.

My little heifer, Ruby. Her mama's red & her daddy's black & she just can't seem to decide what color she wants to be.

Tay's been calling this one Big Hoss. He's fairly new, but he's been boss hog out in the pasture. This was as close as I was going to get to him too. This is the one cow that I have serious issues with. She tried to charge me not long after this picture.

The girls enjoying their new bale.

Jordy spoiling our farmdog, Diesel. He's spoiled rotten (that might be my fault), but he's the best cowdog around. He hasn't even been officially trained to herd, but he usually knows what we need him to do.

Usually he's a pretty good model, but he was too excited today.

While we were outside Jordy's cow had a little 83 lb. bull. 

These kinds of lazy days are the best, where I get to just hang out on the farm & watch the babies play with their tails in the air. Hope everyone is having as wonderful a day as I am!


  1. Really enjoyed the photos. Nothing else like cattle photos from the eye of a good stock person. They get an angle others just can't.

    1. Thank you! There were so many more, but between protective Mamas, an overenthusiastic cattle dog & the nice spring day a lot of them were butt shots or blocked by bigger cows. Gotta love them, right?
